Understanding your body better in 30 days through data-driven blood sugar regulation insights.

The INSIGHT continuous glucose monitoring program will give you valuable insights into your body’s ability to regulate blood sugar. Through the data gathered from your CGM, we’re able to uncover how your specific diet, exercise, sleep, and other lifestyle choices affect your blood sugar in real-time. With this information, we will be empowered to work together to improve your energy, achieve and maintain a healthy weight, reduce inflammation, and promote better sleep.

Who can benefit from INSIGHT?

INSIGHT is perfect for those who are facing pre-diabetes lab results including those with high HbA1c and anyone seeking individualized data to inform their approach to personalized nutrition.

Many of our clients come to us with any number of the following symptoms and challenges:

  • Trouble losing weight
  • Stubborn belly fat
  • Fatigue or brain fog
  • Struggle with sleep
  • Inflammation
  • Confusion about healthy diet choices
  • Pre-diabetes lab results

Why a CGM?

Continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) are wearable medical devices that estimate your blood sugar levels in real time by measuring the glucose levels in the tissues under your skin. Until recently, CGMs were only available by prescription from a physician. Now, over the counter CGMs are available, including the Stelo by Dexcom*; making CGM data accessible to more people.

Connect your symptoms to blood sugar fluctuations.
Many sypmtoms of blood sugar imbalances, like fatigue, irritability, cravings, and brain fog are often misunderstood or attributed to other causes. Gathering real-time data using a CGM can help identify a connection between these symptoms and blood sugar spikes and/or dips.

Zero-in on the right nutrition and lifestyle choices for your body.
There is so much conflicting information out there about what constitutes a “healthy” diet. Through the personalized, data-driven insights from your CGM, we can see the real-time impacts of nutrition, exercise, and sleep for you. This helps us implement and track the effects of changes specific to what your body needs.

We can learn so much in one month.
In as little as 28 days, a CGM can give us more than enough information to make a big impact. In fact, we do not recommend ongoing use of a CGM for most people – but based on your results, we may want to check back in with your numbers from time to time.

Let’s work together

Clients can participate in the INSIGHT CGM program in one of three ways:

One-on-One Program

When we work together through the One-on-One program, you’ll received individualized care over the course of four weeks. This program includes:

  • Nutrition & Wellness Consultation
    We will begin our journey together with a 60-minute initial interview where we address your health concerns and goals, medical and family history, current medications and supplements, detailed symptom information, and a food journal. We will also discuss any recommended tests based on symptoms and which CGM is right for you.
  • Three additional weekly Zoom calls or in-person meetings with Lisa Cross, Functional Nutritionist, to review your CGM data, answer questions and offer support as you walk through this program.
    For the first one to two weeks, our goal will be to make zero changes to your normal way of eating and exercising. This will give us the most accurate baseline for measuring success of our future changes. After that, we will implement changes based on our initial data that will inform recommendations for what you eat and when you eat it based on your original goals. In our final meeting, we’ll discuss recommendations for moving forward and next steps.
  • Help Accessing a CGM
    For the first time, an over-the-counter continuous glucose monitor is now available to the public without a prescription. This is so helpful for those who have a hard time accessing appointments with their doctor or have prohibitive insurance coverage.
    Currenlty, our preferred over the counter CGM is the Stelo by Dexcom* although we can still work together if you are using a different device. The Stelo is currently $99 for the two sensors you will need for this program. The cost of the CGM may be covered with your HSA.
  • Education on various factors that support or disrupt blood sugar regulation including the impacts of different food choices, how much protein you should eat on a daily basis, what types of carbs are best for your unique physiology, how exercise, stress, and sleep impact your blood sugar, and why this matters to your overall health.
  • Recipes and meal plans to fit your preferences.
  • Access to discounts on any recommended lab tests and products available through Fullscript.

Cost: $625, plus the cost of your CGM and any recommended lab work

Group Program

Join a group of individuals seeking clarity around their body’s ability to regulate blood sugar. Each week, participants will have an opportunity to support each other as they learn more about themselves through CGM data and functional nutrition support. The group program includes:

  • A four week program with weekly group Zoom meetings to review CGM data and answer questions.
  • Access to online learning modules through the Practice Better client portal. Each module will include videos and digital content to support your understanding of:
    • The basics of macronutrients (protein, carbs and fat)
    • How diet and lifestyle habits uniquely impact a persons blood sugar
    • Hacks to improve glycemic variability and glucose regulation, including tweaks to diet, exercise, and sleep
  • Community support through shared experiences

Our next group cohort will start on Monday, October 28th!

Cost: $325, plus the cost of your CGM

One Time Consultation

This is a one hour Zoom call or in-person meeting to review your CGM data so I can assist you in connecting the dots between your activities (including food, exercise, stress, sleep) and the potential impacts to your glucose regulation.

Cost: $225, plus the cost of your CGM

Schedule your free consultation today

Whether you’re interested in getting started with INSIGHT on your own or in the group program, the first step is to schedule a complimentary discovery call with Lisa Cross to make sure this program is a good fit for you.

Book Now

* I am NOT an affiliate of Dexcom or Stelo and receive no benefits by my referrals to them